An uncertain future: results from profession exit interview

By NUBSLI | Published on 20 March 2016

Last updated on April 5th, 2019 at 8:13 pm

Related: NUBSLI working conditions survey

Profession Exit Interview Report: 19 November – 17 December 2015

As a response to concerns about BSL/English Interpreters leaving the profession, reducing their hours or diversifying their income, NUBSLI established a Profession Exit Interview.

The aim of this was to get an idea of the numbers of interpreters who were making changes to their working lives and to try and find out why this was happening. It is hoped that we will then be able to see what is happening to the profession over time and to examine any triggers.

This piece of work is separate to the annual survey which is currently still being analysed.

The report was written independently by Catherine Hale, an experienced disability researcher with the support of Inclusion London, a pan London organisation that supports Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPPOs). For more information about Inclusion London please visit their website.

The Profession Exit Interview will remain constantly available for interpreters to complete on the NUBSLI website. You do not need to be a member to take part.

Read the report