National Union of British Sign Language Interpreters

Joining instructions

How to join NUBSLI

To become a member of NUBSLI you need to join Unite the union. We’ve provided step by step instructions on how to do this below. You can click on any of the images to enlarge them.

To begin the process, you need to go to Unite’s website. Clicking on the button below will open Unite’s website in a new tab or window.

Sign up to Unite

Enter your contact details

Enter your personal details

Work details

Confirm that you are currently in paid work (you’ll be asked later if this is employed or self-employed)

Work details continued

Confirm your type of employment and whether you work primarily for one organisation

Work details continued

Confirm if you earn more than £21,500 per year. This is to ensure you pay the correct membership rate.

Company details

Enter your work details. For job title you can put ‘BSL interpreter’

Confirm your membership options

We recommend enhanced.

Membership options continued

You can choose from three options:

  • Contribute to the Political and Labour Party fund
  • Contribute only to Unite’s Political Fund
  • Continue without Political Fund

How Unite communicate with you

Choose whether to receive communications from Unite.


Enter your payment details

Tell us you’ve joined!

Don’t forget to contact us to tell us you’ve joined. This helps us to ensure you are placed in the correct branch and receive information from NUBSLI. We’ll be in touch with you soon afterwards.

If you have any questions about being a member, you can check out our FAQ on our join us page or contact us for more help.